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Lt. Melissa Griffin monitors radar aboard USS Paul Hamilton.jpg

Generate reports and predictive models based on detected trends and movement patterns

Understand how radar networks evolve over time, enabling better decision-making


RUMORE provides intelligence on Radio Frequency Emitters, including their location and waveform. These are extracted from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images by RUMORE. The waveforms can be matched and identified with a radar emitter database (REDB) of known transmitter types, within in the same spectral domain. Signals generated by ground transmitters are typically considered as Interferences that degrade the quality of the SAR data, hence as far as possible removed. RUMORE focuses on the information content that can be derived from such signals, when properly identified and characterized.

What it does

Detecting, Geolocating, Identifying Radio Frequency Emitters in SAR Imagery

How it works


Remove and Clean SAR Imagery


Locate RFI


Identify Waveform


Geolocate RF Emitter


Classify RF Emitter Type


Identify RF Emitter


Globally map RF Emitter 

What we offer

Sea-Based X-Band Radar.jpg
Historical Analysis

Track historical radar deployments and system upgrades to understand long-term trends and strategic shifts.

Real-Time Monitoring

Identify and monitor radar systems in real-time to respond to emerging threats or opportunities faster.

Chief Operations Specialist Mark Chaisson.jpg
Swiss Army - Mobile LW Radar.jpg

Geolocation Insights 

Pinpoint locations of radar systems to enhance intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations.

Other services and products

  • Databases of known RD transmitters, including their location, period of service, name & type

  • Maps of electromagnetic pollution at different frequencies

  • Regular updates of the RF databases & maps

  • Software to create and update the RF databases & maps, based on archive or newly acquired SAR data.

Detected RF signals in
Sentinel-1 SAR imagery 


Who needs it

Organisations that can benefit from Rumore

What can it detect

Detect and Identify a wide array of RF systems in C-, X-, L-, P- and K-Band 

Frequency Band: C-Band

  • Frequency Range: 4 to 8 GHz

  • Typical Systems: Weather Radars, Shipborne Radars, Port Radars

  • Applications Weather: forecasting, air defense, maritime surveillance.


Weather Radars

Used for meteorological observation, precipitation tracking, and severe weather forecasting. Provides a balance between range and resolution.

e.g. NEXRAD (Next-Generation Radar, USA)

Aegis Combat System Radar.jpg

Long-range Surveillance Radars

Shipborne radar used for air and missile defense, providing tracking and detection of aerial threats. Often installed on naval vessels for maritime defense.

e.g. AN/SPY-1 (Aegis Combat System Radar)


Port Radars

Used in harbor and port operations for vessel tracking, collision avoidance, and safe navigation. C Band is ideal due to minimal interference from rain.

e.g. SCANTER 2001

Which SAR systems are supported

Spaceborne SAR

Passive SAR

Airborne SAR

Rumore operates effectively across all SAR bands, including C, X, L, P, and Ka. Its capability has been successfully demonstrated with data from various platforms, such as:ALOS PALSAR (L-Band)Sentinel-1 (C-Band)Capella (X-Band)COSMO-SkyMed (X-Band)By combining data from multiple providers within the same frequency band, Rumore enhances geolocation accuracy. Additionally, using different frequency bands helps to uncover more detailed insights on cross-band emitters and identify various types of RF emitters.​

Rumore is not limited to active SAR systems, where targets are illuminated by a radar sensor. It also supports passive SAR data acquisition, where it has been successfully demonstrated in the X-Band. This technology is particularly advantageous for edge deployment. Passive SAR RF data capture holds significant future potential, as it allows for continuous monitoring of RF emitters worldwide without degrading the SAR system's performance or incurring significant costs to satellite operators.

Rumore already supports 

Rumore can analyze RF interference in airborne SAR systems and is designed for deployment at the edge, allowing for flexible and in-flight processing.



Capella Space


Our Team

The Passion Behind Rumore


sarmap SA

​sarmap SA is a Swiss high-tech SME founded in 1998. The company with a staff of 25 people is active since its establishment in the development of algorithms and operational applications based on spaceborne and airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar as well as spaceborne, airborne and drone optical data. Training courses and workshops at all levels (technical, institutional and decision makers) are offered, on one hand, to extend the understanding of the appropriate use of remote sensing data, products and services, on the other hand, to demonstrate the economical benefits and the technical advantages of this technology.


In the past 25 years, sarmap has been involved in mora than 100 projects: approximately 2/3 on algorithm/product/service developments at the European Space Agency.

The remaining 1/3 focused on the developments of innovative remote sensing based products/services for the World Bank, EC Joint Research Centre, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Brazilian Institute for Space Research, Swiss Development Cooperation, Swiss Innovation Promotion, Armasuisse, Defence, and private sector



NV5 Geospatial Solutions

NV5 Geospatial Solutions is a subsidiary of NV5 Inc., providing products and services for the analysis of geospatial data. NV5 has approximately 1350 staff working within the geospatial division. It has provided high-performance data processing, exploitation and dissemination solutions for over 25 years and continues to be the leading provider of software products and Processing-as-a-Service solutions that extract meaningful information from all types of remotely sensed data. An in-depth knowledge of geospatial analytics delivers game-changing, enterprise-level solutions across industries.

NV5 Geospatial Solutions is part of the European group of NV5 Geospatial Solutions, with offices in Gilching (Germany), Bracknell (UK), Paris (France), and Milan (Italy). 

For over 20 years, NV5 has closely collaborated with sarmap in the distribution of SARscape and has utilized the software in joint projects for clients. NV5 has extensive experience in the field of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).


NV5’s ENVI Inform Processing Platform provides a robust and highly scalable geospatial processing solution. ENVI Inform supports the ability to ingest big data and provide processing at scale to deliver insights that meet customer needs. Whether customers bring their own data or need a system to automatically query satellite data from a provider, the platform uses automated workflows to query the imagery (RGB, multispectral, hyperspectral, or SAR) and perform analysis at scale to deliver timely results that can be easily incorporated into customer workflows.

How to contact us

sarmap sa

Via Stazione 52,

6987 Caslano


+41 91 600 9365

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